Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weight gain, new home, and other life changing events.

So Alianna had her 6 month doctor's appointment and the first thing the doctor asks me after the nurses have weighed her is about her eating habits. I'm thinking she must be really big as her father has affectionately starting calling her the "human garbage disposal". Come to find out she is actually small. She is 25 1/2 inches tall (which is quite tall,80th percentile)but only weighs 15lb 8 oz. It's still 40-50th percentile but the crux of the matter is that she only gained a pound in two months, her weight percentile dropped 30 %, and it's quite small for her height. I was baffled and tried to explain that I really am feeding my child. Then the doctor observed Alianna and deduced that she is just a very active baby and must have a high metabolism. As I breathed a sigh of relief that I am not starving my child, a tiny irritation set in. All the energy in the world plus high metabolism so that she can eat everything in sight and still lose weight......why can't I have that "problem".

Tomorrow we officially become homeowners and I think the realization has hit both ArJay and I hard. It's quite humorous how our personailty quirks present themselves in our reactions. While ArJay nearly left a permanent path in the floor yesterday from his restless and anxious pacing, I woke up at 3am in a frenzy because I thought we had missed our title appointment and thought we would be delayed in getting the house and I wouldn't be able to paint next weekend. And we wonder why Alianna looks at as like we're a couple of looney bins sometimes....

Meanwhile, Alianna doesn't seems to care where she is or who is with her as long as they keep the food coming, laugh at her every move, and give her something to gnaw on while we wait for this stupid tooth to come in. I'm beginning to feel like a moron when she gently grabs stranger's finger/head/nose then clamps on and all I can say is "sorry she's teething". I'm sure some of our friends are starting to think I haven't a clue either as she's been "teething" for months. Alas I still hold out hope that she will have at least one tooth in her prom pictures.

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