We have had some..interesting nights with Alianna the last 3 nights. Some of them even creeped me out a bit. Just as a preface, Alianna has been in her princess toddler bed for over a month and it has been really great transition. She was staying in from night one except for when she'd end up on the floor in her sleep because she's such a crazy sleeper. ;0)
Night one: About 5 am I wake up because I think I hear a door close. In my drowsy state, I think I must have imagined it but sit up and look around just in case Alianna did it( remember that she NEVER left her room). As I lay back down I see a tiny face standing right next to my head! I seriously nearly peed my pants. She must have been super sneaky because I sat up as soon as soon as I heard the door and did not hear or see her come around my bed at all. She just looked at me like I was crazy and 2 year old's sneak around super stealthy like to scare the beegeezes out of their mom's all time time and says, in a slow voice like I'm crazy "Hi Mom."
Night two: At 4:45 I sit up because I think I hear something and I am still paranoid after my creeper scary movie child episode the day before. I sat up for a few minutes not hearing anything. Then I hear the fan, that is on ArJay's side of the bed go off. I look over and my sneaky little culprit is at it again. I didn't even know she knew how to turn off the fan. So I use my commanding Mom voice and so "Alianna Mae stop that!" which inadvertently wakes ArJay up in a total state of confusion. I'm pretty sure he thought I was just talking in my sleep at first(which I have a tendency to do)
Night three: 2:30 am I hear Alianna crying.Miraclously she stayed in her room, I'm thinking she was so confused she didn't actually know where the door was because when I came in she is looking around like a rat trapped in a maze. Once the door is open she makes a beeline for it screaming "Jeeew, Jeew"( translation: juice) I'm still pretty sure she's half asleep but hse's heading for the stairs so I cut her off and tell her I'll get some. It msut have computed because she stopped her mad dash. I go grab a sippy cup and find her back in her bed. I think I'll slip out but she sits up and cries jeew again. I hand it to her and she lays down. 2 seconds later she's crying again and starts over the "Jeew" pursuit as I try to explain to the half awake child that she has one. At this point, I realize I gave her the cup that's hard to suck out of, go get a new one, sit her up and she chugs it. As soon as it's done she goes"YUMMY!" and literally falls back against her pillow dead asleep. I'm still not convinced she was really awake for the whole episode...but then neither was I at 2:30am.
So does anyone else ever have their kids creep then out in their sleep sometimes or is it just mine?