Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sewing projects

So I think it is not so good that ArJay works nights because it gives me lots of free time to get silly ideas. Most of these ideas become converted into craft projects that are not really silly, but I become obsessed with finishing it that night before going to sleep because it is vitally necessary( at least in my pregnant brain it is).

One such example would be this skirt. Do you think that waistline is going to fit my pregnant belly? NO way, not even with the elastic waistband. The truly silly part: I knew that I wouldn't be wearing this for MONTHS, it is going to be my Easter skirt. Did that stop me from staying up late to finish...not even a little bit

And of course, that same night, I had to make Alianna's Easter dress. Because, you know, once Kendall comes I will never, ever have time to sew again so if I wanted an Easter dress it had to be made that night because I could go into labor that next day and then it would never be finished. At least that's what I was telling myself at 1am...
I have made some things that were sort of justified and necessary. I was given an adorable hooter hider with Alianna. Unfortunately, it was Red and flowers and ultra girly. I decided( and ArJay told me) that that would not fly with a boy so I made a new more boyish one. Blue means boyish right?(sorry blogger turned it sideways and I'm too lazy/pregnant to try to figure out how to fix it)

There was extra material, so I HAD to make some burp rags. The back is a cut up towel from the Black Friday sale at Walmart. I think this makes the best burp rags because the towel is super absorbent and the material is cuter than just plain cloth diapers.

I also made a car seat cover/tent/ canopy thing. I don't actually have my car seat, my Mom bought me a new one( I swear I'm not that selfish, our old one was in a car accident and not usable) so I just looked on blogs and saw one that had the same kind of car seat I have and used her dimensions. Fingers crossed it'll fit and my impatience didn't screw it up.

We also NEEDED some tie onesies for this little boy. The vest one is because my sister in law gave us the cutest little cowboy boots so we had to have a western outfit to go with it.( again just turn your head to see them correctly sorry!)

And finally, the last dose of crazy came last night. I had my 39 week appt today and so last night I freaked out that I would somehow get put into labor today and need everything finished. I had seen this awesome 2-in-1 stroller/messenger bag on one of my favorite blogs Make It and Love It. I decided it was a necessity and must be made then because, duh!, I was having a baby the next day and would never sew again. Right? NO..dang
The coolest thing about the bag is the short straps snap on the stroller handle, then you pull out the long strap and attach to other side's short strap and makes a cool messenger diaper bag.

I also made two, yes two, wipes cases. I swear it's necessary. This one sort of makes sense, I swear. I put elastic on the back of my wipes cases so I can have the diaper right there and handy too. But since I will have 2 in diapers and i don't want to go rooting around for the other size diaper, I made a pink one for Alianna and a blue one( the same material as the Hooter Hider) for Kendall. So when someone needs a diaper change, I just grab the appropriate case and it will have the appropriate size diaper with it. Genuis no? I forgot to take a picture but I'm sure you've seen them around.

So that is what I do with my spare time. Maybe it will stop after this baby is born and I'm not left to crazy hormonal thoughts. Or, at least, I won't be obsessed and lose valuable sleep because I think I have to finish them for no good reason.


  1. Haha! You are so funny! I've been working on that same bag! How funny. I just need to go get some snaps.

  2. Those are great! Way to go...I think late creative nights are the best! I always seem to get more done on those nights than any other time.
